PRP For Women’s Sexual Health

Sex is one of the most important elements of the human experience. Unfortunately, for some people, the ability to reach orgasm can be difficult, or even seemingly impossible. For others, the opportunity to have more powerful orgasms is more than welcome. Dr. Paul Wigoda, a Fort Lauderdale plastic surgeon at a South Florida cosmetic center can deliver that opportunity with PRP procedure for women’s sexual health.

The PRP for women’s sexual health procedures is becoming increasingly common. Women who desire a more effective means of reaching orgasm are turning to this non-surgical treatment to enhance their relationships and intimate lives. In this PRP procedure, your own blood platelets are used to promote the growth factors that lead to the rejuvenation of the female orgasm system.

PRP For Women’s Sexual Health Treatment In Fort Lauderdale

After blood is drawn, an ultra-thin needle is used to inject the PRP into the clitoris and the area between the urethra and vaginal wall, also known as the O-Spot. This area is stimulated more regularly since it’s most important for sexual activity. The treatment releases growth factors that trigger a response, where stem cells located in the vagina and clitoris are activated. These cells regenerate and improve sexual function overall.

A topical anesthetic is used to maintain your comfort; however, most patients experience little to no discomfort during their procedure at all.

Reports of dramatic increases in sexual responses are recorded mere days or weeks after the procedure is completed.

Benefits Of PRP For Women’s Sexual Health Treatment

Each and every woman is unique. As with any medical treatment from a South Florida cosmetic center, there will be varying levels of reaction. Some women report the following benefits:

  • Increased arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Reaching orgasm more frequently
  • A rejuvenated look around the skin on the vulva (lips of the vagina)
  • A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
  • An increase in sexual desire
  • A stronger and more intense orgasm
  • Increased natural lubrication
  • Ability to have a vaginal stimulated orgasm
  • Decreased pain for women suffering from dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  • Decreased or resolved urinary incontinence (both urge and stress problems)

There are more benefits to this PRP procedure than increased sexual function. Women have been using the procedure as a solution to urinary incontinence in tandem with pelvic therapy. Some women suffering from the disorder have reported complete elimination of symptoms and freedom from medications and potential surgeries.

Female Sexuality And Wellness Today

Women can become embarrassed about discussing their sexuality with anyone, including medical professionals. The feeling of shame can be intense, and it can hold women back from finding true happiness and comfort. Dr. Wigoda is a plastic surgeon at a South Florida cosmetic center who wants to turn that idea around. There is no need to suffer in silence or miss the opportunity to have a fulfilling sexual lifestyle. PRP for women’s sexual health has been and will continue to be, an option for women who want to take control of this part of their lives. Real desire and real connection are within reach.

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